Monday, January 23, 2017

So. Close.

Suspension is all connected, steering completed motor was ready and willing after a timing belt and water pump change.  All was go.

Moved motor into place and hit my jack stand, ahh, Ill just get my floor jack and lift the car up a bit to move the jack stands.  Or my jack seal will fail and I won't be able to do anything. Fack.

It's dead Jim.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

R.T. Quaife Engineering, Ltd.

1. Quaife shorter rack won't fit power steering.  Doh.
2. Quaife shorter rack kit isn't a direct fit replacement. Doh. (totally my fault)
3. Order manual rack and used manual rear engine subframe.
4. Have manual rack machined for new larger pinion gear.
5. Install!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

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<p align="center"><b>ZC Swap Info</b></p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="25%">
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Engine
Identification</font></strong></em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">
<td width="75%"><font size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">D16A8&nbsp; ~
European model - fuel injected</font>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">D16A9 ~ European model - carburated</font></p>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC ~ Japanese model - fuel injected</font></font></p>
<font size="2">
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC's have a black valve cover with the cover
bolts on the sides and the Honda symbol on the exhaust side of the valve
cover.&nbsp; They come with a 4-2-1 style exhaust header and a small oil
to water oil cooler on the back of the block.&nbsp; The engine mounts
are the same as the 88-91 Civic/CRX.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">Note - be sure it has a black valve
cover with the cover bolts on the front and back edges of the valve
cover and that it is a DOHC design.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is an older ZC
with a brown valve cover that you don't want!&nbsp; Also watch out for
the Integra motors which look identicle to the ZC except for the valve
cover bolts are not on the edges of the cover, this motor will not bolt
into the CRX.</font></p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="25%">
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial Narrow">Technical
<td style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal" noWrap width="75%"><font size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">1.6L&nbsp;
(1590 cc) (97 ci) DOHC</font>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">130 hp @ 6800 rpm</font></p>
<p style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal"><font color="#FFFFFF">Bore 75.0&nbsp; mm
(2.95 inches)</font></p>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">Stroke 90.0mm (3.5 inches)</font></p>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">C.R. 9.5:1 for the Japanese model</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">C.R. 9.3:1 for the European model</font></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">ZC
redlines @ 7200 rpm&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">&nbsp;</p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="22%">
<p align="left"><strong><em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Swap&nbsp;
<td width="78%">
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The ZC bolts right in to the 88-91
Civic/CRX with&nbsp; no fabricating or welding. If your car is an Si
or HF the wiring harness will hook right up with just the change of
2 wires on the distributor.&nbsp; If it is a DX then some more
significant wiring changes are necessary since the DX motor does not
have MPFI </font><font size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">(Multi Point
Fuel Injection). <a href=""></a></font></font><a href=""><font size="2">Installing
a ZC motor into a DX?&nbsp; You'll want this wiring diagram to make
life easier.</font></a></li>
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">You can use the ECU from either the
U.S. CRX Si, 88-89 Integra 5 speed, or the Japanese CRX Si which is
what the ZC came out of anyway.&nbsp; The best choice would be the
Integra one since it has more aggressive fuel and timing maps as
well as a higher redline than our CRX Si ECU and its readily
available, .&nbsp; The Japanese Si ECU is probally just as good but
they are very hard to get and have a speed governor that is set at
too low for most peoples taste.</font></li>
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The motor bolts right up to the
stock motor mounts and to the tranny.&nbsp;&nbsp; While the HF
tranny does bolt onto the ZC you will definatly want to use an Si
tranny because of the much better gearing, you may even want to
consider this if you have a DX.&nbsp;</font></li>
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">Replace
the clutch.&nbsp; As long as everything is apart it doesn't require
any extra work to replace it.&nbsp; A performance clutch is recommended
because of the ZC's greater output.</font></li>
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The
motor only weighs about 25 pounds more than the regular CRX one so
handling is not affected.</font></li>
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2">Here is a <a href="">picture</a>
showing which two wires need to disconnected from the distributor
and attached to the exhaust cam sensor.</font></li>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="22%">
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Maintnance</font></strong></em></p>
<td width="78%">
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Spark plugs</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Distributor</u> ~ 88-89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Timing belt</u> ~ 88 Prelude Si 2.0&nbsp;</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Throttle body + TPS</u> ~ 88-91 CRX Si</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Cap and rotor</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 88-89
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Head gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Intake gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Exhaust gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Water pump</u> ~ 89-91 CRX</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Oil pan gasket</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 89
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Oil filter</u> ~ 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Spark plug wires</u> ~ 89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Header</u> ~ the 88-91 CRX header will
fit but requires some porting to work properly since the exhaust
ports on the ZC are shifted slightly to the side</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Thermostat</u> ~ 88-91 CRX</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Rod and Main bearings</u> - 88-89 Integra</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Pistons</u> ~ 88-89 Integra are exact
matches for ZC pistons</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Gaskets</u> ~ the top half of the motor
uses a 89 Integra set. </font></li>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="23%">
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Notes</font></strong></em></p>
<td width="77%">
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Stock ZC rods are said to survive up to
about 200hp / 8000rpm's</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Shaving the head .8mm will give a cr of
about 10:1 while a shave of 1.4mm gives a ratio of 10.6:1</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">The upper timing belt cover on the ZC may
rub on the bottom of the hood.&nbsp; Most people solve this problem
by just leaving it off.&nbsp; Another solution is to put small
1/8&quot; washers in between the two parts of the drivers side motor
mount, this lowers that side of the motor just enough to clear the
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Modifications to your CRX are done at your
own risk.</font></li>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></td>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="23%">
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Performance</font></strong></em></p>
<p align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></p>
<td width="77%">
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Stock ZC powering CRX's can vary alot
depending on engine condition.</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC with header, exhaust, throttle body, cold
air intake and an integra ecu can run as fast as the mid 14's to the
upper 15's. </font></li>
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></p>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td vAlign="top" width="23%">
<p align="left"><strong><em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">I
Need One</font></em></strong></p>
<td width="77%">
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Price $350 - $600</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Nippon (Cali)1-562-272-4050</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">John's Foreign Engines (Wash State)
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">PFI in (Colorado) 1-888-296-3463</font>
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Everyplace that sells the ZC claims that
they have about 30k miles on them, but keep in mind that there is no
actual way to know this for sure.&nbsp; Some of the better sellers
will perform a compression test and provide you with the results.</font></li>

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