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<p align="center"><b>ZC Swap Info</b></p> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="25%"> | |
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Engine | |
Identification</font></strong></em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow"> | |
</font></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="75%"><font size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">D16A8 ~ | |
European model - fuel injected</font> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">D16A9 ~ European model - carburated</font></p> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC ~ Japanese model - fuel injected</font></font></p> | |
<font size="2"> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC's have a black valve cover with the cover | |
bolts on the sides and the Honda symbol on the exhaust side of the valve | |
cover. They come with a 4-2-1 style exhaust header and a small oil | |
to water oil cooler on the back of the block. The engine mounts | |
are the same as the 88-91 Civic/CRX.</font></font></p> | |
<p><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">Note - be sure it has a black valve | |
cover with the cover bolts on the front and back edges of the valve | |
cover and that it is a DOHC design. There is an older ZC | |
with a brown valve cover that you don't want! Also watch out for | |
the Integra motors which look identicle to the ZC except for the valve | |
cover bolts are not on the edges of the cover, this motor will not bolt | |
into the CRX.</font></p> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="25%"> | |
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial Narrow">Technical | |
Specs</font> </font></strong></em></p> | |
</td> | |
<td style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal" noWrap width="75%"><font size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">1.6L | |
(1590 cc) (97 ci) DOHC</font> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">130 hp @ 6800 rpm</font></p> | |
<p style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal"><font color="#FFFFFF">Bore 75.0 mm | |
(2.95 inches)</font></p> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">Stroke 90.0mm (3.5 inches)</font></p> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF">C.R. 9.5:1 for the Japanese model</font></font></p> | |
<p><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">C.R. 9.3:1 for the European model</font></p> | |
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">ZC | |
redlines @ 7200 rpm </font></p> | |
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</table> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="22%"> | |
<p align="left"><strong><em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Swap | |
Info</font></em></strong></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="78%"> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The ZC bolts right in to the 88-91 | |
Civic/CRX with no fabricating or welding. If your car is an Si | |
or HF the wiring harness will hook right up with just the change of | |
2 wires on the distributor. If it is a DX then some more | |
significant wiring changes are necessary since the DX motor does not | |
have MPFI </font><font size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">(Multi Point | |
Fuel Injection). <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/dc/igone/images/zcwire.jpg"></a></font></font><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/dc/igone/images/zcwire.jpg"><font size="2">Installing | |
a ZC motor into a DX? You'll want this wiring diagram to make | |
life easier.</font></a></li> | |
</ul> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">You can use the ECU from either the | |
U.S. CRX Si, 88-89 Integra 5 speed, or the Japanese CRX Si which is | |
what the ZC came out of anyway. The best choice would be the | |
Integra one since it has more aggressive fuel and timing maps as | |
well as a higher redline than our CRX Si ECU and its readily | |
available, . The Japanese Si ECU is probally just as good but | |
they are very hard to get and have a speed governor that is set at | |
too low for most peoples taste.</font></li> | |
</ul> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The motor bolts right up to the | |
stock motor mounts and to the tranny. While the HF | |
tranny does bolt onto the ZC you will definatly want to use an Si | |
tranny because of the much better gearing, you may even want to | |
consider this if you have a DX. </font></li> | |
</ul> | |
<ul> | |
<li> | |
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">Replace | |
the clutch. As long as everything is apart it doesn't require | |
any extra work to replace it. A performance clutch is recommended | |
because of the ZC's greater output.</font></li> | |
</ul> | |
<ul> | |
<li> | |
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">The | |
motor only weighs about 25 pounds more than the regular CRX one so | |
handling is not affected.</font></li> | |
<li> | |
<p style="margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1"><font size="2">Here is a <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/dc/igone/images/zcdistwires.jpg">picture</a> | |
showing which two wires need to disconnected from the distributor | |
and attached to the exhaust cam sensor.</font></li> | |
</ul> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF"> </font></p> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="22%"> | |
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Maintnance</font></strong></em></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="78%"> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Spark plugs</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Distributor</u> ~ 88-89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Timing belt</u> ~ 88 Prelude Si 2.0 </font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Throttle body + TPS</u> ~ 88-91 CRX Si</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Cap and rotor</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 88-89 | |
Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Head gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Intake gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Exhaust gasket</u> ~ 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Water pump</u> ~ 89-91 CRX</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Oil pan gasket</u> ~ 88-91 CRX or 89 | |
Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Oil filter</u> ~ 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Spark plug wires</u> ~ 89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Header</u> ~ the 88-91 CRX header will | |
fit but requires some porting to work properly since the exhaust | |
ports on the ZC are shifted slightly to the side</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Thermostat</u> ~ 88-91 CRX</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Rod and Main bearings</u> - 88-89 Integra</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Pistons</u> ~ 88-89 Integra are exact | |
matches for ZC pistons</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>Gaskets</u> ~ the top half of the motor | |
uses a 89 Integra set. </font></li> | |
</ul> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF"> </font></p> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="23%"> | |
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Notes</font></strong></em></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="77%"> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Stock ZC rods are said to survive up to | |
about 200hp / 8000rpm's</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Shaving the head .8mm will give a cr of | |
about 10:1 while a shave of 1.4mm gives a ratio of 10.6:1</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">The upper timing belt cover on the ZC may | |
rub on the bottom of the hood. Most people solve this problem | |
by just leaving it off. Another solution is to put small | |
1/8" washers in between the two parts of the drivers side motor | |
mount, this lowers that side of the motor just enough to clear the | |
hood.</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Modifications to your CRX are done at your | |
own risk.</font></li> | |
</ul> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF"> </font></td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td width="23%"> | |
<p align="left"><em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">Performance</font></strong></em></p> | |
<p align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF"> </font></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="77%"> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Stock ZC powering CRX's can vary alot | |
depending on engine condition.</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">ZC with header, exhaust, throttle body, cold | |
air intake and an integra ecu can run as fast as the mid 14's to the | |
upper 15's. </font></li> | |
</ul> | |
<p><font color="#FFFFFF"> </font></p> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
<table width="100%" border="0"> | |
<tbody> | |
<tr> | |
<td vAlign="top" width="23%"> | |
<p align="left"><strong><em><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow">I | |
Need One</font></em></strong></p> | |
</td> | |
<td width="77%"> | |
<ul> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Price $350 - $600</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Nippon (Cali)1-562-272-4050</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">John's Foreign Engines (Wash State) | |
1-360-571-8505</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">PFI in (Colorado) 1-888-296-3463</font> | |
<li><font color="#FFFFFF">Everyplace that sells the ZC claims that | |
they have about 30k miles on them, but keep in mind that there is no | |
actual way to know this for sure. Some of the better sellers | |
will perform a compression test and provide you with the results.</font></li> | |
</ul> | |
</td> | |
</tr> | |
</tbody> | |
</table> | |
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